Income Redistribution…

I want to set one thing straight right now: If you don’t pay income taxes in the first place (i.e. your income falls below the taxable level according to the Internal Revenue Service), you should not be entitled to an income tax rebate. In case you’re wondering the command and accepted definition is a “rebate” is money back that one has already spent (i.e. I got a $100 rebate when I bought a new cell phone). How is that difficult to understand?

If you are going to take from the people who do pay income taxes and give it to people who are exempt from paying income tax, call it income redistribution not a tax rebate or a refund. You’re not “refunding” anything since those people didn’t pay a red cent in the first place. How incredibly gullible do the administration and congressional leaders think people are? You can call it roast beef on rye, but if it’s a turd wrapped in Wonder bread. It’s still a shit sandwich.

First time for everything…

In 5 years of service, I’ve never turned down any task that’s come my way until yesterday. I had to give up an all expense paid trip to Kansas City because of this damned bug that keeps disappearing and then coming back a week later to kick my ass. So yeah, I said no to my first assignment ever this week and it bothers me more than it probably should. Putting self above work is sort of an unnatural act for me. It goes against my basic instincts.

In this case, though, I think getting on a plane yesterday afternoon would have done god-awful things to the inside of my head. Apparently if you let a sinus infection fester for too long, it turns into something really bad… Which helps explain why I’ve been feeling like my brain is trying to sneak down the back of my throat and make a run for it. Fortunately, my case is only regular bad and should be cleared up in a week or two with the help of our food friend penicillin. I’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again… Hurray for better living though science!

Total lack of motivation…

So, I have had a total lack of motivation lately. And I’m not just talking about blogging, but a total lack of motivation for class, for work, for much of anything, really. My black dog apparently takes a little longer to kick in during winters in the south… must be because it stays warm longer. I’m sure this lull in the action will lift at some point, but for the moment, I’m just… blah.

Communist News Network…

Last week I was watching CNN, which is not something I usually do, but the hospital is too cheap to get a decent cable package apparently, although they do charge $10/day for using the TV. Lou Dobbs, who once upon a time was their financial guru, has been running a series of “special reports” under the headline “War on the Middle Class.” Now aside from the obvious political slant of the headline (Fox isn’t the only news channel with an agenda, people), the issue that I have with this particular episode was that it was decrying the lack of a federal response to the “home loan crisis” and calling for a government bailout of people about to go into foreclosure.

As someone who did my homework, read every page of my loan origination documents, asked questions, and bought a house that I could actually afford to make payments on, I am absolutely livid at the suggestion that the US government should subsidize people who either through stupidity or negligence saddled themselves with a mortgage that they could not afford. I used logic and financial analysis to make my decisions on how, when, and where to buy, so I am having a hard time digesting the idea that because I made good decisions, money should come out of my pocket to pick up the tab for those who made bad ones.

This isn’t a war on the middle class in America. This isn’t even the government offering aid to people who found themselves in harm’s way during a natural disaster or terrorist event. This is about people being kicked in the teeth by the free market because they chose poorly. It’s not my responsibility or yours to compensate them for their own bad decisions. Government interference in the market always has unintended consequences and the inevitable bailout of these people sets a dangerous and damning precedent.

Thanks, Folks…

Hey gang… I just wanted to post a quick thank you to everyone for your thoughts and comments over the last few days. It has meant a lot to me. I’m happy to say dad is doing well and expects to be discharged from Hopkins on Monday. With his imminent recovery, I am back in Memphis for a week getting ready for my next trip and trying to catch up the odds and ends of life. I owe a lot of you a call back from this week and I promise, I’ll be getting around to that this weekend at some point. I’m hoping to get back to my traditional ranting posts in the near future, so be sure to stay tuned.


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t feel the need to answer the phone every single time it rings. This is especially true when I am in the john at an airport trying to drop a deuce. Fortunately, the guy next door didn’t have the same hang ups about talking shop from the throne. I hope he and “preacher” had a wonderful discussion. It was still going strong when I wrapped things up. Is this now an acceptable practice or am I just missing something here? I can only thank God, that Alexander Graham Bell didn’t invent the smellephone.


I’m in the process of losing my voice and had never realized how much of my day I spent talking until it started to hurt when I did it. So, for the time being, I’m going to be doing my best to keep the talking to a minimum. Maybe I’ll actually catch up on a few posts I have been trying to hammer out, but haven’t quite found the time to work on lately.

I’m heading to Baltimore on Monday, incidentally. There’s a bit of a family medical issue that I’ve been asked to keep under my hat for the time being and since it’s embargoed to other members of the family, I’m certainly not going to blather about on the details on MySpace. Suffice to say, it’s serious enough that I’m flying back to Maryland to be there. The operation has a high rate of success, but the consequences of failure, though unlikely, are quite simply more horrifying than I can imagine. Tuesday is going to be one of those days without end.

I had no idea…

I had no idea how many websites I went to on a daily basis that I didn’t feel I could visit safely while I was stranded using my work laptop for the last week and a half. The good news is that my laptop is back and all the websites of questionable morals are right where I left them. Thank god for those who know how to bring the innards of this infernal box back to life! A computer with a mile-wide Puritanical streak is no fun at all.